Rowena Mabbott

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What is an Intentional Life?

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Over the past few months, as we’ve all found ourselves impacted more than ever by current global events, it’s become increasingly obvious that the way we were living and spending our days prior to March 2020 is not the way many of us wish to continue.

Put simply, this year has focused many of us on how we spend our time. Although, most of us would not have chosen this particular way of uncovering this truth. 

And now, as parts of our country are re-opening and some activities are returning, I'm seeing more and more people really considering how they wish to spend their time.

Or, put another way, we are asking ourselves; how do we hold onto this more relaxed, deliberate pace after the world has started running again?

I feel we do this by choosing to be deliberate in how we show up. It’s knowing our personal values, and gaining the courage to live by them. That is, being INTENTIONAL in how we engage.

The word intentional gets used a lot, and may not be the word that best describes for you what I am talking about here. Other words that may have a deeper meaning for you are deliberate or strategic. Simply substitute in either of these words for intentional throughout the following post, and see which one feels better for you.

Why intentional?

This year has made so many of us reconsider what’s important to us, and as things open up again, we have the opportunity to choose what feels supportive, aligned and valuable in our lives.

And similarly, we’ve had a chance to examine what is busy work or activity we undertake because it’s what we’ve always done, or because it’s somehow expected.

Rather than returning to what was previously ‘normal’, can we instead reach for a better, more intentional and more sustainable life?

We are being invited to consider this in the context of our own lives. 

But what is an intentional, sustainable life?

An intentional life is one where you deliberately choose how you want to show up, who you’ll spend your time with and what you want to engage in.

An intentional life is also a sustainable life; sustainable in the sense that you are living a life that you don’t need to take a break from, because you are doing things every day that bring you greater joy and fulfilment. You are engaged and relishing each day for its unique gifts and wonder.  Your life is intentional in focus, and sustainable in terms of your own energy, values and priorities and purpose. 

Being responsible for my actions, really means being true to myself and the way I want to live my life”

So why does intention, or being deliberate, matter?


Why being intentional matters

Because put most simply, where we focus, the energy goes. And so, when we CHOOSE where we put our attention, ultimately we CHOOSE how we experience life. Which in turn, means we bring back a sense of control. 

When we are feeling discouraged, overwhelmed or lacking in motivation, by getting intentional regarding where we place our focus, we bring ourselves back to a place of calm, an increased sense of control and quiet inner confidence.

Thus, if we want to live a meaningful, intentional, purposeful life, we need to take control of what we pay attention to. 

When we engage with intention everything is simplified and streamlined.

Intentional in our career

With regard to our career, intentional can also be termed strategic.

For our careers, intentional is being selective and precise with the opportunities we pursue. This means being thoughtful about our next career move and ensuring it is aligned with our values and strengths. It means researching the organisation and ensuring their policies and way of operating will be a match for us and our personal preferences for the way we wish to work.

Being intentional in our career does not necessarily mean having a laid out, detailed career plan. But rather knowing what experiences, skills and attributes we are looking to obtain and learn, and being very strategic (i.e. intentional) about selecting roles and/or companies that will support us achieve those aims.

When you read this it may seem common sense. And it is! But there are plenty of people who simply go through the motions, and just do what is expected of them and what is required, drifting along from one role to the next. And that’s fine too. 

But if you are here, you likely want more from your career, and your life, than that. You’re seeking a meaningful career. One that gives you a sense of purpose and is aligned with your values and strengths. A career where you feel you can be your full self, make a difference and be appreciated for your strengths. 

A gentle reminder

Remember, even when there is massive global change, your life is still valuable. We all only have one life, and we each only have 24 hours in a day. And every day is precious. Every sunrise is beautiful, and reminds us to consider the day ahead and how we can make the most of it.

Therefore, how you spend your time and show up in the world is also valuable.

By being intentional YOU decide how you are going to be responsible with your days, energy and focus. As part of this, you need to be deliberate in deciding what invigorates you and what drains you, and actively moving towards those people, activities and things you love, or enhance your life.

When we are deliberate about how we use our energy, time and focus, we ensure we live a life that is meaningful, aligned with our purpose and ultimately rewarding. Which of course leads to greater confidence and happiness! 

We can bring intention to our personal lives, our career, or both. And, when we are going through a time of transition (personal, professional or global), being intentional supports us to move from feelings of overwhelm to a place of calm.


How to start living an intentional life?

Naturally, an intentional life looks different for each of us.

But, like just about everything in life, the easiest way to start is to start small.

Small daily habits are an ideal place to start and morning or evening journaling can be a gentle way to bring some more intentionality to your day.

As can focusing on how you want to feel, exploring and utilising your personal strengths and being very clear about how you want to spend your time

Ultimately, an intentional, sustainable life provides clarity and allows you to live confidently. You are showing up as your best self, embracing your strengths and being very deliberate about what you do, how you feel, and who you engage with. All of these things combine to result in a more meaningful, fulfilling and happier life.

And isn’t that what we are all seeking?


I support my clients to get greater clarity, live their own lives with intention and along the way they are more confident and feel happier.  If you’d like the same, I’d love to support you. You can learn more about coaching with me here. Or, book a complimentary consult, where together we can discuss whether coaching is right for you.