6 questions to help you gain clarity, be intentional and feel motivated

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How has your year been so far? January for me felt like a mixed-up kind of month. So much happened in the world in just one month.  I am relieved that it is now February, and the kids are back at school, and life can return to a semblance of routine.

Perhaps you can relate? Generally, the first week of February feels like my actual New Year, simply because it’s when I finally get some breathing space to start taking action on the things I’ve been pondering throughout January and put into place plans and activities to support my goals.  

But as I mentioned, this year has been different. Like me, perhaps you found that the events of the past year helped sharpen your focus on what really matters. (And spoiler alert, it’s generally not our work…

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Therefore, a big part of my planning for this year, along with living with more intention and ensuring I design my seasons, is to consider how much time is genuinely available for me to ‘work’ and how much time is required for the things that support me be able to do my work. 

Yes, supporting myself can include self-care, but it is so much more than that. Beyond health, well-being, and social interactions, there are the activities that give back, restore energy and contribute to the greater good.

Many of you may be in a similar predicament, where you have a myriad of other obligations and commitments in addition to your paid (or unpaid) work. Perhaps like me, you run your own business? Or have a partner/family/fur baby/loved ones who need your regular presence, support, and attention? Or you are a committed volunteer? 

Despite all this, with the events of last year continuing into an unpredictable January, I have found myself feeling less motivated than usual for this time of year. And truthfully, feeling a bit unclear regarding my goals, dreams, and plans for this year.

After spending the last couple of months deep in this space, today I want to share with you the questions I asked myself to gain clarity and kickstart my motivation, to help you feel clearer and more motivated too.


6 questions to help you gain clarity, be intentional and feel motivated


1.  What would I see in a snapshot of my best self? 

Start here; Consider your vision for what you most want in your life. Focus on what YOU really want, not what others may want for you.

Not sure how to do this?  Keep it simple; What are you doing in the version of your life that focuses on what YOU really want? How do you feel?  Who are you with?  And where are you?

Let this be your guide for where you want to go.


2.  Which of my values have I been neglecting?

Start here; When we feel stuck, unmotivated or life feels off track, it’s often because we have become less intentional about living aligned with our own values. When you can identify which values you have been neglecting, you feel more aligned, can regain your intentionality, and boost your happiness too.

Not sure what your values are? This list might help kickstart your thoughts.


3.  Which of my strengths might I have been underplaying or overplaying?


Start here; When we feel overwhelmed, or have lost sight of the big picture, it can be an indicator we might be underplaying or overplaying one of our signature strengths. If you are feeling like others aren’t appreciating your efforts, or are feeling rundown or headed toward burn out; these are telltale signs that one of your strengths is not being utilised in a balanced way.

When we can identify what our strengths are, and use them in an optimal way, we will feel happier and more confident.

Unsure of your strengths? Check out this post for more.


4.  Is this a ‘should’ or is this a ‘want’ dream/goal?

Start here; We often focus on goals that are expected of us (‘should’ goals) rather than things we deeply desire for ourselves (‘want’ goals). To figure out the difference, take the word ‘should’ out and replace it with the word ‘want’.  For example, ‘I should go for a walk everyday’ or ‘I want to go for a walk every day’. 

This trick can help quickly determine whether your dream/goal/activity is a genuine ‘want’ or really a ‘should’.  This is especially important when it comes to big career and life goals.


5.  How can I be kinder to myself? 

Start here; We know speaking kindly to ourselves and looking after our own needs is important, but so many of us forget and find we have a very critical inner voice. That voice speaks to us in a way we would never speak to anyone else! By having a little compassion for ourselves, we can cultivate a mindset of curiosity, meaning we are better placed to identify what is potentially holding us back and contributing to our unmotivated feelings.

Compassion therefore can be a circuit breaker to feeling stuck.


6.  Could I be sabotaging my success?


Start here; Many of us say we want a certain goal or outcome, but then don’t create the systems, structures, and habits to support ourselves achieve that. It’s not a question of willpower – more that we have so many other accountabilities and expectations placed upon us! Most of us remember to do things for our kids but forget to do things for ourselves.

Where might you be holding yourself back from achieving what you desire, simply because you haven’t been intentional with your daily habits? It’s true what they say - awareness is the first step.

And once you identify ways you are not supporting yourself, becoming more intentional via minor adjustments becomes easier.

Working through these questions is an ideal way to start the process of getting yourself unstuck and motivated for the year ahead. Of course, sometimes the best way to get motivated, take action and ensure accountability is to seek professional help

The practical suggestions presented here provide ideas to bring greater clarity, intention and motivation into your personal and professional life. However, there are times when a more tailored, custom approach is required. And that’s where working with a coach (that’s me!) comes in.

With one-on-one individual support, coaching can make all the difference when you want to feel clear, confident and joyful in your career and life.